

単位時間歩数(number of steps per second (NSPS))は,時間内歩行試験を評価するため2014年に鰤岡が新規考案した新しい指標である.


すなわち,歩行速度(m/秒)=平均歩幅(m/歩)× 単位時間歩数(歩/秒)と2つの因子に分離して歩行のペースとパターンに注目した.


フクダ電子株式会社のパルスオキシメータ,Anypal Walk®には3軸加速度計が内蔵されているので,精密に歩数が測定できる.この機能を用いて単位時間歩数を時系列データとして自動記録を行い,「単位時間歩数−時間」と「累積歩数−時間」のグラフをタブレット上に表示・保存可能としている.



単位時間歩数={【歩数】÷A秒}(歩/秒),A360の約数.考えやすいのは,A = 5A = 10.【 】はガウス記号.一般的には floor function




平均・単位時間歩数 ÷360





Burioka N et al. A modified method for examining the walking pattern and pace of COPD patients in a 6-min walk test before and after the inhalation of procaterol. Intern Med. 2017;56(15):1949-1955


The calculation of the number of steps per second (NSPS)

The NSPS is a new index; it is defined as the steps walked in A-second period divided by A, where A is a divisor of 360. We used A=5 (5-s interval) in the present study. The mean NSPS is calculated using the following formula:

Mean NSPS =  =  


=  = ,

where  is the floor function, and NSPSk is the value of NSPS at the k-th 5-s interval (k = 1,2,3,..., 72). NSPSk shows the slope of time versus the cumulative steps in 5-s.

The number of steps walked by a subject in each 5-s period was counted manually with a hand counter while viewing the walking test on the video monitor. The walking speed (m/s) was considered to be the average step length (m/step) ´ NSPS (step/s). The NSPS was calculated as the number of steps walked in a 5-s period divided by 5, and this calculation was performed for 72 consecutive periods (360 s ¸ 5 s) in each subject. Because the NSPS is proportional to the walking speed, it usually decreases when a patient walks more slowly and falls to zero if the patient stops walking.